Which LR41 equivalent battery should you buy?

An LR41 battery is a non-rechargeable alkaline button battery used to power a range of small electronic devices such as watches, calculators, and toys. Although the LR41 designation is a recognized battery standard, confusion is caused by manufacturers producing their versions with different branding.

This brief article will look at the LR41 specification and identify some of the equivalent batteries you can buy instead.

What is the equivalent of an LR41 battery?

The standard specification of the LR41 is as follow:

  • Voltage: 1.5 V
  • mAh: 25 – 32
  • Diameter: 7.9 mm
  • Thickness: 3.6 mm

In addition, the LR code tells you the type of chemistry used inside the battery, which in this case is lithium. 

Clearly, for a battery to be equivalent to the LR41, it must be a similar size and have the same voltage, but what about the chemistry and mAh ratings. Let’s look at the alternatives based on chemistry.

See the below table for details about LR41 equivalent replacement batteries.

LR41 battery equivalent chart
LR41 battery equivalent chart


The alkaline alternatives are the closest in specification to the LR41, with the same voltage, mAh, and chemistry. One big advantage of alkaline technology is the cost, with this type of battery costing just a couple of dollars. 

When searching for equivalent batteries, look out for the following types:

  • V36A
  • LR736
  • L736
  • AG3
  • 192
  • RW87
  • SB-B1
  • V3GA

Buy Rayverstar, Skoanbe Alkaline here:

Rayverstar LR41 AG3 1.5

Rayverstar LR41 AG3 1.5


Skoanbe 10PCS LR41




The silver-oxide version of an LR41 battery is very similar to the standard alkaline version. The voltage is usually 1.55 V, so just slightly higher, but the capacity is generally increased. Where alkaline LR41’s will give between 25 and 45 mAh, the silver-oxide versions usually offer 38 – 45 mAh. 

A significant advantage of silver-oxide chemistry is that they retain a consistent voltage output as they run down. This is useful in applications that are sensitive to the battery’s voltage, such as wristwatches and digital thermometers. Silver-oxide batteries will also outlast their alkaline equivalents.

Modern versions of the silver-oxide battery are generally multi-drain capable. In the past, SR41 style batteries were either low-current or high-current, and it was important to choose the correct one for your device. Multi-drain batteries offer both low and high-current outputs.

When searching for silver-oxide LR41 equivalents, look out for the following battery types:

  • SR41
  • SR41W
  • SR736
  • SG3
  • 392
  • 384
  • D392
  • V392 (547)
  • SB-B1

See some Silver-Oxide here:

Energizer 392/384 Silver Oxide

Energizer 392/384 Silver Oxide


Duracell – 384/392 1.5V Silver Oxide 

Duracell – 384/392 1.5V Silver Oxide



Lithium and silver-oxide variants of the LR41 battery are used in multiple applications, whereas the zinc-air type is almost solely used in hearing aids. Although the zinc-air variant has identical physical dimensions to the LR41, all the other details are different.

First, the voltage is lower, at 1.40 – 1.45 volts. This will make no difference for devices that are not too fussy on voltage. Second, the capacity of zinc-air batteries is almost four times that of the best alkaline or silver-oxide equivalents, offering 160 – 175 mAh.

When you are looking for zinc-air versions of the LR41, search for the following battery types:

  • 312
  • PR41
  • P312
  • ZA312

Buy some Zinc-Air batteries here:

Rayovac Size 312 Extra

Rayovac Size 312 Extra


Duracell 312

Duracell 312


What LR41 equivalent battery should I buy?

We’ve all seen the cheap packs of coin batteries at the dollar store, but should you buy them? Our recommendation is to avoid the cheap versions and buy a reliable branded battery. The well-known brand LR41’s will definitely last longer than the pound store version, and in the long run, they will work out just as cheap.

LR41 branded equivalents:

  • Maxell LR41
  • Energizer 384/392
  • Duracell 384/392

Buy Energizer, Duracell here:

Energizer 392/384

Energizer 392/384


Duracell – 384/392

Duracell – 384/392


Where to buy an LR41 battery?

LR41 batteries and their equivalents are readily available in most grocery and DIY stores. An alternative is to buy in bulk from online stores such as Amazon, where you should get a discount for purchasing multiple batteries or packs of batteries. It depends on the number of batteries you require.


Are LR41 and LR44 button cell batteries the same?

No, the LR41 and LR44 are completely different. The LR41 is considerably smaller and offers a significantly lower power capacity than the LR44.

What is the best LR41 battery for a digital thermometer?

Digital thermometers are sensitive to the battery’s voltage and may give inconsistent readings when the battery is almost flat. For this reason, we recommend using a silver-oxide variant of the LR41, the SR41, or equivalents.

Is the LR41 battery equivalent to 377?

Although the 377 silver-oxide battery has similar voltage and mAh outputs to the LR41, it is a much smaller battery physically. For this reason, it cannot be used as a replacement for the LR41 in most cases as it won’t fit correctly.

Should you buy an LR41 or an SR41 battery?

The LR41 and SR41 batteries are the same size and offer similar outputs of voltage and mAh, so which should you buy? 

First, if you have a user manual for the item, follow the suggestions from the manufacturer. 

Second, if you have had the item from new, then replace like for like, as that is the recommended battery by the manufacturer. You can, of course, use differently branded equivalents.

If you are unsure which is the correct battery, try researching your device online. Failing this, then you can use the LR41 battery for most applications. It is cheap, long-lasting, and readily available in stores. For a device that relies on a steady voltage output, such as digital thermometers, then the more expensive SR41 is the right choice. 

Rest assured that you won’t damage your device by using one instead of the other, but you may see a shorter battery life when using an LR41 in place of an SR41.

See some LR41 batteries here:







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